Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Prevent Cancer Serviks Since early

According to Prof. M Farid Aziz, Serviks cancer many override to productive women age 30 t o 50 years. As a result, many women who have experienced interference quality of life physical, psychiatric, and sexual health.

Serviks cancer caused by Human Pappilloma Virus (HPV). HPV can be transmitted through sexual relations and often exchange

personal equipment, such as shorts or towels. Serviks cancer disease can also decrease the child who born from the mother infected Human Pappilloma Virus. That means, the risk is greater than the heavy smokers.

Symptoms such as bleeding in the vagina coitus, the incidence of mixed blood whitens and smelly, and pelvic pain or can not dispose of urine.

How to detect servikscancer early may be done with the Pap smear or Visual Inspection acetate (IVA-Visual Inspection with acetic Acid) as substitute Pap smear tests.

Although dangerous, the women are still a danger to cancer ward serviks. How the treatment or therapy based on the stadium serviks cancer when diagnosed. For example, the action surgical, chemotherapy, and therapy palliative (palliative care) is more focused on increasing the patient’s quality of life.

Primary prevention should be given the vaccine as early as possible to the daughter of youth aged 10 years. Unlike some other viruses, if a woman infected HPV not mean to be immune to the virus. He still get recurrent infections of HPV types of the same or different, and exposed to the risk of serviks cancer.

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Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Ikan Aneh Punya Kepala Transparan

LAYAKNYA sebuah pesawat tempur, ikan aneh yang ditemukan di Samudera Pasifik ini memiliki kepala cembung yang transparan. Bagian pangkal mata dan organ dalam kepalanya terlihat jelas dari luar.

Foto pertama yang mengabadikan ikan tersebut dalam keadaan hidup-hidup baru dirilis Senin (23/2) lalu meski sudah dibuat sejak tahun 2004. Dari foto tersebut, terlihat bagian paling atas matanya yang berwarna hijau dan lensa mata yang bulat.

Keberadaannya sebenarnya sudah teridentifikasi sejak tahun 1939. Namun, itu hanya dari spesimen yang telah mati. Ikan tersebut biasa disebut barreleye dan memiliki nama ilmiah Macropinna microstoma.

Ikan yang terlihat dalam foto tersebut berukuran panjang sekitar 15 sentimeter. Para peneliti dari Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) memotretnya di perairan dalam dekat pantai tengah California. Ini adalah satu-satunya spesies ikan yang punya keunikan tersebut.

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